Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tales of Valoran #66



  1. hahahaha <3 those lore details. But if I'm not mistaken in new Alan's lore he wasn't the mentor alchemist of singed, he was like a bounty hunter who get rare materials for singed. If I'm wrong, correct me.

    1. WW's lore, OMG I don't know why I've said Alan instead WW xD

    2. well to be honest, i don't even know when they changed his lore. even now i still think he's a alchemist.maybe Lando is just like me
      p/s: WW's new lore suck

  2. Woah, another one already! Those comics are always enjoyable to read. Keep it up.

  3. Haha Great! I love Warwicks hidden lore xD!

  4. Great one with the good old lore :´(

  5. Bfft, Ezreal probably has, like, 3 doctorates. And don't even get me started on Vel'Koz.

    Also: professor Ryze has a great wardrobe.

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  7. Please do more Soraka excellent adventure ! She's so cute >.<

  8. Where have you gone-Lendo T.T Im missing you and your fantastic characters~

  9. Where are you Lendo? Your comic is the best in LoL. Please, come back!

  10. Fukface is ded, not big surprise

  11. Seeking RPers from
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    Lendo come back plz, we miss you and your comics.

  12. Lendo come back! tales of valoran needs you!

  13. Please,come back,we love your comics :C

  14. Are you dead? Please come back. :(

  15. I wonder where the artist is or what happened to him/her. Wish I could've enjoyed more laughable moments tho. GL HF and don't screw up your life.

  16. yo what happened to these comics? i just binge read all of them and now im dissapointed that they stopped. anyone know why he/she stopped?

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